How To Share Your Content For Maximum Impact
What’s the old adage? “If a blogger posts online and there’s no one there to read it, did it make an impact?” Nothing’s more discouraging than diligently crafting a post, editing it to perfection,...

Weaving narrative threads
I love writing metaphors and look for them constantly: in my garden and while parenting, in the acidic bubbles of my sourdough starter, at the seashore. I was thrilled to recently discover a new...

10 ways to Write Better Headlines
Writing a great headline is an exercise in concision, creativity and brevity, three of the toughest elements of strong writing. Here’s 10 ways to do it.

Spring Reading List
Reading often and widely is one of the best ways to write better. We fall into the cadence and rhythm of a story or article and absorb its authorial voice and tone. Without even trying, we pick up...

The Tides Of Creativity
Inspiration always returns In the early aughts, I went to Australia to visit my sister, Jackie, who was having an adventure living and working down under. During our vacation, I mastered driving...

Good robot! Give ChatGPT your writing chores
It’s no secret I’m utterly obsessed with Chat GPT and its effects on writers and creators. Am I done talking about it? Not even close. While I tend not to get too ruffled about the latest tech...

What ChatGPT means for writing in 2023
Almost 20 years ago, my siblings and I co-wrote a poem for Grampy Wallace’s 80th birthday. It was a funny, uneven, homemade piece of writing full of family in-jokes, such as how Grampy called...

How to Avoid Cookie-Cutter Copy
You make your first impression in seven seconds of meeting someone. In the real world, we use body language, eye contact and charm to win someone over. In the digital realm, our copy is a huge part...

When to DIY Your Writing, When to Call a Pro
Anyone can learn to write good copy and content for your business. There’s a lot you can DIY, especially when you’re starting out and marketing budgets are lean.
But there are times when it’s more efficient and rewarding to outsource.
Here’s how to know if you need to call in a pro.

How to Get Your Writing Over the Finish Line
Here’s a recap of my Top 10 editing tips. After that, some “Shipping Tips” to help you find the courage to hit “send.”