Your sales page by Friday. No joke.

And no cookie-cutter or sleazy copy. Just snappy, ethical messaging that’s 100% true to you.

You’re the boss when it comes to your work. share that mad genius on your sales page?  you’re at a loss for words.

You know your story can inspire sales, that the right words sell. It’s just a matter of finding them, already! But the pushy sales copy you see out there is NOT what you aspire to. If:


Your soul shrivels at most sales copy’s sadistic pressure tactics...


Your little voice of self-doubt has found a megaphone and is shouting your confidence down...


You’ve got a biz to run and you don’t have time to for this….

Kate Wallace holding up a baking sheet, wearing an apron

Sales Page By Friday to the Rescue.

My five-day, one-on-one consultancy delivers custom long-form sales page copy written in your voice, with your values. Rent my writing brain and chops for a workweek. We kick off on Monday, you’ve got your final copy deck in hand by Friday. Boom! goes the dynamite. Here’s what you get:


Snappy, strategic sales page copy that sounds just like you and your brand. (Call me your copy ventriloquist).


Evergreen messaging you can use anytime and a checklist detailing all the ways you can use your copy across your entire business.


Feel-good copy rooted in consent and compassion that doesn’t incite false scarcity or agitate pain to make the sale.


All the glory, none of the pain! You get the byline and sales sans writing or (worse!) writer’s block.

All for $5K CAD.

Kate Wallace holding up a baking sheet, wearing an apron

Got an offer and no sales page? You’re in the right place.

Sales Page By Friday is for you if:


You’re a service-based consultant, coach, or course creator with a kick-ass offer.

Your GD sales page is standing between you and your launch.

You tried writing your own sales copy and it was a dumpster fire. (Hey, it wasn’t, but it was painful. I get it).

You want to reach more clients but slimy sales techniques aren’t your bag.

How It Works

Sales Page By Friday is a simple 3-step process:


Before we begin, you fill out the Kickoff Questionnaire. We dive in on Monday with an hour-long Zoom call so I get to know you and your brand and all the beautiful things that make you and your business unique.



 I get busy writing your own long-form sales copy. Your values, your voice, my pen. I send you a mid-week update to give you a peek into the process and ask any questions.


Friday, you’ll receive your final copy deck in a Google Doc, along with a guide to help you maximize your sales copy across all your platforms. You’re ready to start selling, and in a way that feels good and true. Huzzah!

Let's chat.

8 + 8 =