by Kate Wallace | Apr 18, 2021 | Writer's Fieldnotes
Do you think of your brand’s story as set-it-and-forget-it? Or your copywriting as one-and-done?
Ah, no. Like fine linens, they need to be aired out once in a while.
So let’s get your messaging sparkling by doing a deep-clean to toss out junk words and tired old content, polish up your taglines and headlines, and air out your copy.
by Kate Wallace | Apr 4, 2021 | Writer's Fieldnotes
Katie and I decided to make a joint post, sharing storytelling predictions for a—hopefully coming soon—post-COVID world. I was heartened by our list, which had a powerfully humanist slant. Marketing sometimes has a bad rep as being manipulative or slickly sales-y, but, as this list shows, it’s really about stories, connection and using our individual experience to convey values–and generate value.
by Kate Wallace | Nov 29, 2020 | Writer's Fieldnotes
Remember the Cabbage Patch dolls craze? I still feel nostalgia when I think of the holiday-mania of the 1980s when our parents lined up outside the Sears in the hopes of scoring one of those wide-eyed dolls to nestle beneath the tree. I was reminded of that...
by Kate Wallace | Oct 18, 2020 | Writer's Fieldnotes
Clichés are common in the writing we see online. However, they weaken your branding. Here’s the top 10 to avoid when writing for business.
by Kate Wallace | Apr 19, 2020 | Writer's Fieldnotes
It was the end of another long, hot day. I was sitting on a stump ….