Don’t have a story, eh? Think again.
“I’m not that interesting,” she says, with a little shrug, a downcast glance. “It’s nothing special.” I want to take this woman by the shoulders and shake her (gently, of course). “You are interesting!” I want to scream. “It is special.” Some version of this scenario...
Sharing Your Unique Story
While I’ve swung between the poles of exhilaration and despair many times since March. As the shock of pandemic living and surreal holiday-ish vibes of the first lockdown shifted to a Groundhog Day-esque months-long slog—I’m looking back on this year and ahead to the next with a fresh perspective. And you should, too.

How To Write A Captivating About Page
After your homepage, your about page is the most important real estate on your website. The stakes are high, which is why it feels so impossible to find the right words to convey–often in short order–what you’re all about. Here’s how to make writing your about page easy!

Why Great Writing Still Matters
In the digital age, it’s easy to feel like writing doesn’t matter. Here’s the reasons you should prioritize good writing for your business.