5 Creative Writing Exercises To Conquer ‘Writer’s Block’

5 Creative Writing Exercises To Conquer ‘Writer’s Block’

While I’ve said many times before that I don’t subscribe to ‘writer’s block’, I think lack of motivation can be a real problem for many people writing for their business or social media accounts.

What do you do when you’re staring at a blinking cursor on a blank page while making deals with yourself to get out of having to finish that blog post?

Well, you write.

Once you get the ball rolling, it’s much easier to get the writing done. Here are a few simple exercises to get going in just a few minutes.

Writer’s Block is the Monster Under the Bed

Writer’s Block is the Monster Under the Bed

Updated: April 2022 The pristine page. The blinking cursor. The blank mind. The mounting anxiety. Writer’s block is one of the biggest clichés about writing. It’s that scene in the movie where the desperate scribe rips yet another inadequate or empty page from the...
Your first draft sucks, and that’s okay.

Your first draft sucks, and that’s okay.

Updated: April 2022 I’m on a walk when inspiration strikes. I work the idea around in my head until I get home, sit down in front of my computer and type a few random words or a couple of garbled sentences. What was so clear in my mind is now a hot mess on the page....