Weaving narrative threads
I love writing metaphors and look for them constantly: in my garden and while parenting, in the acidic bubbles of my sourdough starter, at the seashore. I was thrilled to recently discover a new one. I’d enrolled in a basket-wearing workshop at the Saint John Arts...
Spring Reading List
Reading often and widely is one of the best ways to write better. We fall into the cadence and rhythm of a story or article and absorb its authorial voice and tone. Without even trying, we pick up new vocabulary along the way. Through a kind of osmosis, we learn about...
The Tides Of Creativity
Inspiration always returns In the early aughts, I went to Australia to visit my sister, Jackie, who was having an adventure living and working down under. During our vacation, I mastered driving stick on the left side of the road, swam in a tea-tree-oil-infused river,...
Good robot! Give ChatGPT your writing chores
It’s no secret I’m utterly obsessed with Chat GPT and its effects on writers and creators. Am I done talking about it? Not even close. While I tend not to get too ruffled about the latest tech geegaws, I knew this one could not be ignored, so riotous was the outcry...
How to Write to Your Audience: Part 1
Writing great content for your brand starts with understanding who you’re talking to. And I don’t mean by creating customer avatars either. Here’s how I really understand my client’s customers when creating epic content for their business.